Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cure Poor Eyesight

People tend to think that better eyesight always relate to eye surgery or glasses. Eye surgery is very risky and could lead to irreversible damage. Glasses maintains vision problem and do nothing in order to cure it. Yet, there are healthy natural treatments which cure poor eyesight symptoms. The only problem is that these methods are being hidden and disregarded by doctors and optometrists who wish people will continue to buy glasses and risk their eyes with laser eye surgeries. It is better to avoid the risks and try these basic simple exercises first. They could improve your eye vision dramatically.

Eye chart

Its purpose is to exercise the eye to a healthy behavior of shifting instead of central fixation. Hang the eye chart and move to a distance where you can read the first 4 lines. Look at the first letter carefully close your eyes and try to visualize it in your imagination. Try to create a clear picture of it. Instead of static letter try imagining it slowly swinging. Repeat this with the rest of the letters in the four first lines you can read.


This is a very important exercise. People think that their eyes rest when they sleep. Actually, on the dreaming stage they keep moving and work as if the person is a wake.

Therefore, proper resting is crucial. For best performance you need a quite and comfortable place like your favorite couch. Cover your eyes with your hands, and try to feel as pleasant as you can. Listen to the music you like best, or try to imagine your favorite view. The eyes need about 10-15 minutes to reach full relaxation, the longer the better. It is recommended, to perform it daily for 15 minutes or a few times a day for 5 minutes.


Reading is a very important task for the eyes as it is performed on daily basis. It is important to adjust natural way of reading which will reduce eye tension and will educate the eyes for better, healthy vision habits. Healthy eyes read a sentence by focusing on each letter and then moving to the next one. A tensed eye will jump from word to word and will try to read the complete sentence in a few eye glances. Reading large areas instead of focusing on central vision, letter by letter, lead to increased eye tension. It is best to move slowly from letter to letter as a practice. At the end of each page focus on a point a few meters a way. This will ease the tension on the eyes from the reading.

Tiny writing

This exercise requires the eye to use its central vision. The eyes and the mind should be very relaxed to avoid over pressure on the eye when reading the tiny writing. Get text and print it from and word processor in size 4 or 3. It should be black text on a white paper. Hold it against your eyes and read it in a slow and relaxed mode. Make sure you keep blinking often and look at a distanced point once in a while.

Physical exercises

It is important to understand that the aim of these exercises is to make eyes muscles more elastic and avoid tension. First try to feel your eyes: are they tensed? If so try to feel exactly where, and relax that area. Look at an object not far from you, and move your eyes: ten times up and down and ten times left to right, then in circles for 5 times. Take a piece of paper with a dot at its top edge. Bring it as close as 5 CM from your nose and then move it away as far as you can. Concentrate on the dot all time, do it for about tem times. Hold the piece of paper close to your nose, look at for a few seconds and then look at a distant point for a few seconds. Again do it for ten times.

A quality guest post from http://ezinearticles.com/?Cure-Poor-Eyesight&id=952060.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Your Eyes, and Computers.

More and more jobs require the use of computers. With the information age being available on the computer, more and more people are spending endless hours in front of the screen. After a long day in front of the computer, it is common to start feeling tired, irritable, or pain in the eyes or head. Staring at computers and forgetting to relax and give the eyes a break can cause permanent damage and eye problems.

No one is expected to live a life without computers; we all need them and are use to them being a part of our daily lives. However, it is important to listen to our bodies and relax or take a break when necessary.

Listen to your body; it knows better than you do when it’s time for a break. Do not work until your eyes burn; you missed all the previous signs. Take short breaks every hour of work. This means get at least once every hour and walk around. However, taking breaks isn’t enough. Look away from the screen every 15-20 minutes for a minute or two. Look at things close and far away to allow the eyes to adjust and move around. The goal is to avoid the strain in the first place.

Blink as often as you can to keep the eyes lubricated. Take a few minutes to roll the eyeballs around; you can do this with your eyes open or closed to avoid looking silly. Open and close your eyes often to give them a short break. Yawn if you have too. Yawning stretches out the jaw muscles and keeps them from becoming tense causing headaches and eyes strain.

Move around as much as possible. You should always be in a comfortable position so adjust your body or chair as often as needed. Move the keyboard or monitor so you aren’t stretching your neck or looking at things at a strange angle. Try to avoid glare on the monitor, move it around as the sun moves or get a screen protector.

Keep the work area bright and well lit. Bright lights lighten up the mood and keep you feeling positive. Dim lights only bring down your mood and cause you to feel sluggish. Making minor changes in the work space and taking breaks often can keep long hours in front of the computer from permanently damaging the eyes.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Ad spaces!

I know this blog is new and all, but I decided to put up some ad space you advertisers might want to try buying. ;)

Just click on the "advertise here" picture on the right and you'll be taken to the place where you can buy that ad spot. Hey, if you think my price isn't reasonable, leave a comment so we can, you know, talk about it.


Why You Should Take Care of Your Eyes

It has been said the eyes are the windows to the soul, but they also our windows to look out and observe the world. Eyes are important for seeing things, reading, working, and even communicating. The eyes are sensitive though, they work hard and they need time to rest and recover from the constant strain put on them.

Did you know that we can cure poor eyesight just by changing a few bad habits? We are extremely hard on our eyes and taking to the time to practice relaxation exercising can help us see more clearly. Even if you have worn glasses for years or are prone to eye problems and eye disease, learning to take the strain and stress away from the eyes can cure all that.

Strain and stress are the main factors affecting poor eyesight. Everyone is born with relatively good eyesight. Throughout our school age years we are taught bad habits that cause our eyes to strain too much. Sitting in a classroom, constantly staring at a blackboard, books, or paper all day leaves our eyes tired and stressed. There is no time between classes or subjects to relax the eyes and give them a few moments of rest. These habits carry over to our adult lives and we do the same thing at work day in and day out.

The body gives out signals when it needs rest. If we spend too much time on household chores the backs starts to hurt and the arms get tired. These signals tell us to take a break, lie down, or just relax for few minutes. Likewise, they eyes can tell you when they need a break as well. The head may start hurting, the eyes start to burn a little, or a slight twitch may develop in one or both eyes. These are signs that the eyes need to rest.

Resting the eyes is as simple as finding a quiet place, relaxing the mind, and closing the eyes so they can re-energize. Bad eyesight doesn’t have to happen. We can take steps today to develop the habits that will increase our eyesight for the rest of our lives.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Glasses, Vision and the Mind

Vision plays a large part in the memory’s process. The better an image is processed the easier it is to recall later. The more relaxed the eyes are, the better they can absorb an image. Too much stress and strain on the eyes are the main causes of most eye problems and ailments.

The brain and the eyes work closely as a team. The eyes have to first capture an image and focus on the shape, size, and colors. The mind needs to interpret that information which is seen and then store it for recall later. Images that we see daily take mere seconds to interpret and remember. New images take a little bit longer. The more focused the eyes are on an image the more strong the memory will become. When looking at new object, pay attention to the lines around it, the borders, colors, size, shape, and anything else that will make recall easier later. Of course, the more relaxed the eyes are the quicker the mind can process and memorize new objects.

Concentrating too hard or focusing on images that doesn’t interest us causes unneeded strain and it will be difficult to remember them later. In order to maximize the memory, the image must first be viewed in a calm and relaxed manner. Below is a short exercise to try in order to get the mind and eyes to relax and work together properly.

First find a comfortable position, this could be sitting in your favorite chair or lying on the floor. Whichever your preference, make sure the spine is straight and the hands are relaxed at your side. Next, close your eyes and picture the number 5 down to 0 in your mind. Exhaling, really see the 5 in your mind. Let the eyes follow the black lines of the 5 and really picture the number. Relax and exhale completely by letting all the air out of your lungs until you naturally take the next breath.

Allow the lungs to fill completely with air and then picture the number 4. Again, picture the number completely while you exhale. Really see the lines, the black color, the shape; don’t stop picturing the number until all the air has left your lungs and the next breath comes naturally. Do this all the way down to 0.

In time you should be able to visualize images in the mind more clearly and feel more relaxed in the processed.